Friday, January 4, 2008

sold FXP

Sold at $82.70. Made a profit of approx. 11% from $73.50 about 2 weeks ago. I made myself two records. Trade the same securities 3 times within 2 months, and made profit all 3 times. I guess if I can keep up of that kind of good work I can retire very soon.

Unfortunately I'm not that smart, therefore, all my other holdings dropped today. But almost all of my holdings I'm going to hold them for a while purposely, so the drop today doesn't bother me too much, unless it really drops very badly.

In the meantime I would not go to any individual stock, unless you want to go short. Given the expansion in ETFs these days I guess individual investors should learn how to make use of them in any market environment. These months mark a sequence of down days of market, under this kind of market, it's easier to pick a stock that will go down than a stock that will go up.

Today may mark the end of some strong (tech) stocks uptrend, we'll see how it plays out later. But all strong stocks like AAPL, GOOG, BIDU, AMZN, VMW, ISRG and FSLR dropped by quite an amount. That may mean the downward pressure starts bringing the strong stocks down too. But instead of trying to bet on the supposed-to-be-strong stocks, as I said in last paragraph, a better trade is to bet on stock that will go down. But if you don't want to short individual stock, ultra short ETFs are a good way to go.

As I said yesterday, XLF either rebounded or made new low today due to the job report. It made new low. If we would take this as an example. Wait for a rebound and when XLF hits the 50-day EMA, buy some in SKF. If you would like to play the rebound as well then you have to make a guess of when XLF will bottom in the short term and buy some UYG.

Anything, current strategy should be, bias to the downside. Good luck.

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