Monday, December 17, 2007

Bad Monday

Well I already expected a bad Monday so it's not surprised to me. Guess I'm just a little disappointed myself that I sold my FXP a bit too early at $85, only to see it closed at $88.99.....

I am not perfect and I never am. Perfect timing is not possible. So I am still happy that I managed to make a 1.5% profit since I bought at $83.50. I'm glad that I sticked to my plan and analysis and have not sold when FXP went all the way down to as low as $61.74. As I said in my theme 2008 part 1, FXP is something you cannot ignore.

The market has been down for a while and could possibly take a rest because it goes down further. If FXP goes back to the 20-day EMA (which current is about $76.50) I will consider buying in again, but this time will buy no more than 2/3 of position. I don't want to make the same mistake as last time.

As well, I bought into Nintendo as said yesterday at $70.88. This is the first time I buy stocks on pink sheet. Throughout the day I saw no quotes, no bid/ask show. I entered $72.30 and got at $70.88, meaning Nintendo was brought down by the board market as well. Now I have filled my theme 2008 part 2 and need to sit on it.

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