Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I bought into FMCN at $57.30 before the FED announced the 0.25% cut. Maybe I'm stupid but I expect good numbers keep coming out from FMCN. As well, I committed about 2/3 of my position only. So I may still want to add to my position.

The FED might have disappointed many investors, but, it is doing what it needs to do, but not to please every single investor. Yes, there maybe more rate cuts in 2008, but anyway, a Christmas rally may end for now.

Many sectors reversed to drop almost simultaneously when the FED announced (only) a quarter point cut. Even strong stocks, like solar energy stocks retreated. Quite a few of them retreated with high volume as well. The market has rebounded quite a lot since the end of November, guess they need more substantial good news to go up from here. But Christmas usually is slow, I don't see any one will be making significant move in Christmas, so expect a slow and slightly down market from now on to the end of the year.

Well, since end of 2007 is fast approaching, I guess it's time to sit down and think about what theme may play out in 2008. Let me get back to this topic and brainstorm about this topic from now.

Besides, I'm still holding my FXP that I bought at $83.50. I guess a high $70's is not difficult (it's $73.65 already), just not sure if I can go back to break even in December......

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