Tuesday, April 15, 2008


so busy at work that don't even have time to write anything, but gotta update the status.

I sold my SKF at $117.06, loss on commission after 3 weeks. as you see sometimes even if you are right in the direction but got in at the wrong time, you will see your profit sinks.

On the other hand I just buy into URE this afternoon at $32.89, and again thinking about increasing a bit position in UYG and maybe some other dividend paying ETFs. In the past I had LOR, which is a dividend paying ETFs, mainly high dividend paying firm and currencies. It is managed by Lazard in US, and so far I didn't see they cut their dividends, so my thought is maybe they can get through this bear market with limited chance of cutting their dividends at all. In the meantime they are paying 8.4% as dividend (that breaks into capital gains, interest and dividends), given that boarder stock markets may stabilize at the last lowest range 8.4% is a pretty good bet. I'll think about it.

Nintendo drops again, 4.6%, there is not much news i can find. This is the bad things about individual stocks. Sometimes you just cannot get enough news to do any meaningful analysis. I'm still looking for a close to break even price to cut this pos.

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