Thursday, February 14, 2008


Well I got into FXP again this morning at $91.75. Ben's comment obviously didn't help the market. Glad to see my TWM rebounded almost 5%. HXD.TO rebounded much less, due to the rise of oil price.

Looks like even Bush, Bernanke and Buffet (all B's, what a coincidence) play Santa Claus doesn't help much. Well that is expected. It is not the end of the world, but downside will continue for a while.

My short position in the meantime is not very big, as I only put a small % to FXP. I guess I'll not reduce my long position further, as a hedge.

In the meantime, I'm not surprise US government will try to control the direction of the market to the upside. But I guess eventually they could run out of options to save the market. After all, a market cannot just keep going up for years without bailing out some irrational behaviour.

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