Monday, February 11, 2008

Sold SKF and HBU.TO

Market performed pretty strong today that even AIG slashed its earnings. Financials was pretty much the only sector that went down today. Since other sectors are performing strongly, I prefer to sell my SKF first. I sold my SKF at $111.48, not at the highest possible, but pretty good 6.5% over 1.5 weeks. I'm still keeping my TWM, but if market sentiment changes (for a short term) I may want to liquidate it first. I think there are still good chances to set up short positions.

As well I sold my HBU.TO. I guess this is due more to my psychological setback. Want to sell something to realize a gain, as well, trim some long position (which has a gain). I know many people think gold may surpass $1,000 mark, but I rather reserve the money for something that may have a better upside.

I'll keep an eye on SKF and SRS. As well, I only have a small position in TWM, I can see if I can increase the position by a bit, if there is no obvious reason of economic improvement.

I think the market is stabilizing, so possibility of V-shaped movements is getting lower. In this kind of market, either you want to go long or short, you need to be a bit more patient (which I usually don't have.....) to let the trends work out. But since I still see technically it's a bear market, we should wait for the chance to go short than long. The bottom in January looks quite strong. Not that mean the market cannot go lower, just that it may need some more bad news to push it beyond that bottom. So even if you have short position, I currently suggest you to cover it when we reach there.

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