Monday, November 5, 2007


BIDU made new high in a volatile day. I sold at the open as I'm not sure how credit crunch news will affect the market, so I sold at $403 and locked my profit. As I said, I'll consider buying it back if it retreats some, but that may not happen, we will see.

Still looking for chances to buying into NTES or FMCN, I would prefer FMCN more than NTES though.

LOCM reported earnings after closing today, price dropped after hour. Let's see how it goes tomorrow.

Remember I said the columnist who wrote on Sunday shorting BIDU since $180? No surprise that he is still holding the position. Read a bit in his column and you will find that he likes to refer general investing public as "stupid people". As well, he likes to refer the market as "sustained by stupid people, just how long it can sustain".

There are always people that will never admit they are wrong (on timing) and try to hide their mistake by saying others are stupid. I'm pretty sure BIDU will go up and down along the way. But if BIDU did not go down when you think it should and went up by 140% more, it's pretty obvious that your original decision is wrong. Okay, anyway, I'm tired of talking about this "smartest person".......

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