Tuesday, November 20, 2007

sold my SVA

Yes, I sold my SVA at a loss of about 20% at $4.83. I ran against my original thinking because the markets don't look right. And when markets don't look right smaller stocks can get kill much faster. So to be safe I rather take a loss now and wait for better timing to get back in strong stocks.

So in the meantime I have no trading position.

These days I think a safer way to play with it is to go long and short ETFs. Too bad I missed the UltraShort Financials (SKF) totally due to the fact that I had experience of couldn't trade it due to the very low daily volume. Anyway, a miss is a miss. But I'll keep an eye on any ETF I can play with.

Articles here and there are still arguing recession or not. I don't know if there will be recession in US, I only know investors placed their votes in the markets. Look at all the 4 major ETFs (QQQQ, DIA, SPY and IWM), all of them are below 100-day EMA, except QQQQ all of the other 3 are below the 200-day EMA. Even today they rebounced a bit with high volume, it doesn't help them to get back above a meaningful support at all. So how can I believe we are not in trouble here?

Remember I said I'll keep an eye on NTES? Its rival GA reported earnings last night and got slaughter today by 25%. NCTY and SNDA in the meantime are not looking very good too. Just that NTES holds the 100-day EMA. Interesting, it seemed to me it finds the support above the 100-day EMA, which is pretty good under this market condition.

Other than ETFs, still waiting for chance to get some AAPL, RIMM, BIDU or even CTRP. I'm almost thinking buy and hold them for a while and at the same time, go in and out with the ETFs of long and short to take the advantage of any decline. Anyway, will see.

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