Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So many news these days. Is market heading up or down??? Are people too crazy about chinese stocks??? How bad can financial stocks go??? So many questions being unanswered.

Anyway, PTR suddenly becomes the biggest firm on earth with about $1 trillion market cap. Holy cow that's a lot. I guess I have to admit that it goes up a bit too much for now, hey I don't mean it should fall by a lot, it may just hang in there for a while to let the earnings catch up the market value.

On the other hand, Alibaba.com went public in HK and boosted 169% in IPO. People probably are thinking about tom.com in tech bubble's time.

If you really just think these are again purely tech bubble hypes you probably are not perfectly right. Ask anyone on the street to see if she has a computer at home and ask the same question about 10 years ago, you'll see how computer/internet changed our basic living style.

Anyway, I initiated a position in SVA, a Chinese biotech firm, which is pretty small. It's 20-week EMA is around $4.50 and I got in at $6.07, a bit high but again I mean to hold it for longer, unless it went up too fast like BIDU did.

BIDU shot up as high as $430 before it retreated, I should have sold it this morning instead of yesterday, well but I guess I profited from it so shouldn't complained.

I feel bad about CTRP as if I have hold onto it I'm now making 20%..... If I have use the weekly graph to guide my trade probably I'll hold onto it (or may not). Can't believe similar things happened to CEDC as well.... I'm such a loser.....

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