Monday, October 29, 2007


I sold CEDC at $49.62, took a loss of about 2%. Now I can have some spare money for the new weekly-graph method.

EFUT finally moved today, suddenly I came all the way back from a loss of more than 20% to breakeven. Let's see what will happen tomorrow. EFUT is a small company that a little money can move it very quickly.

Remember I said I missed EDU at $61.75 at around the beginning of the month? It's now $90.68..... Almost a 50% return just missed in front of my eyes... my god.....

I'm loooking at FMCN now. It made new high today. Just about a month ago they reclaimed compliance with listing on Nasdaq, the stock made new high by that time with significant weekly volume. I hope it will pull back some and I can buy a little. But prices around $53 could be a pretty strong support, though the 20-week EMA is now about $49.

Finally, LOCM is not doing anything here.....

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