Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Taser is doing quite well, since I bought about 2 weeks ago at $15.23, i am already sitting at a net profit of 21%. This trade could be one of the good example of my own graphical method. in the meantime the stock still positively reacts to good news or no news, not very fluctuate, volume is around 3-month average but not too high. all these are good sign of pattern of going higher in the short term. i'll keep the position as long as it is above the 20-day EMA.

Ctrip.com is doing okay, hanging there. i bought it last Thursday at $51.40 and i'm about breakeven including the commission. it just broke through to new high which is good. As well, CTRP is not volatile as other infamous Chinese stocks. Fundamentally it is not bad and the stock performance is relatively stable. I rather go for more stable stock than volatile stock. i'll keep the position as long as it is above the 20-day EMA.

Central Europe Distn is a bit disappointing. i bought it last Thursday at $50.05 and it's now at $47.54, a more than 6% net loss already. As well it is already sitting at below the 20-day EMA, but still above the 50-day EMA. The market actually lifts up more due to hope of more rate cut in the afternoon. CEDC recovered a bit from a larger loss but not very much. the uptrend may probably ends for now. If the position does not go back up above 20-day EMA in a few days or it drops more than a total of 10% anytime from now i will sell.

If i have to sell CEDC i'm not worry about opportunities, there are still a few i am keeping my eyes on: FMCN, EDU (i missed on last Thursday as my buy order of $61.75 didn't get fill), DSX....etc

gotta learn to leave a losing position and get into other opportunities.

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