Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Okay I have a dilemma here. Since I bought LOCM based on daily graph and now I want to revise my method to use weekly graph, therefore my entry price of $6.85 looked very expensive. Given that LOCM now sitting at $5.66, i'm down by almost 20%. If I got into the post based on weekly graph, guess I would only have got in last week at around $6.00.

I'm near a technical bottom (I think), if it holds around $5.50 I think there is a chance that it will go up from there, but no guarantee. I want to give the post a bit more time, if it doesn't hold $5.50 I must sell.

EFUT gave back a lot from yesterday. Well yesterday's volume did not give too much power, but still good. A back-to-normal-volume pull back may not be bad. We'll see.

The Fed is due to announce fund rate tomorrow. A cut is not guarantee. Even a cut is in I don't think we can expect a lot of upside based on the cut.

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